Shabbat Sukkot 2015
2015-2016 Confirmation students building the sukkah with Henry Gilley.
Sunday, July 31, 2011: The NJC wins the New Orleans Synagogue
Softball League Championship for the second year in a row!
Pictured: (Standing L - R) David Gold, Jeff Brenner, Josh Miller,
Scott Snyder, Richard Nadler, Barry Guriesky, Michael Hertzig
(Kneeling L - R) Aaron Karlin, Adam Klein, Neil Nadler,
Jonah Berman, Jesse Berman, Kyle Gurievsky
Not pictured: Jacob Hertzig, Andy Cutliff and Miles Mark

1403 North Causeway Blvd. | Mandeville, LA 70471 | (985) 951-7976