January was a rainy month in and out of the NJC, and on January 9th our meeting and game night had to be postponed.
On January 16th we had a lot of fun doing the kitchen inventory. The NJC Kitchen Inventory is now registered at Bed Bath and Beyond. You may go to the registry to donate an item by clicking here.
The Sisterhood is using the funds raised from our recent Bake Sale to fix the walls in the pantry. The money will cover the materials, but we need your help to actually make the repairs. We would appreciate it if you could help by coming to the NJC on Sunday, February 17th, at 11 a.m. and becoming a "hands on" part of your synagogue.
The Sisterhood received a lovely donation from Sharon Snyder to buy a KitchenAid Mixer and small kitchen appliances. She also donated several pots and pans. With all of the recent donations, new items from the registry, and in conjunction with the Caring Committee, we are going to be able to make some delicious meals for our members who are ill.
Our recent Bake Sale on Sunday, January 27th, was a great success. Thank you to all who participated! On Wednesday February 6th, we held our monthly game night / business meeting.
On Tuesday, February 19th, at 11:00 a.m. we are baking Hamentaschen to send to our college students. On Thursday, February 21st, at 7:00 p.m. we are baking Hamentaschen for the NJC Purim Festival. On Sunday, February 24th we are preparing potluck for the Purim Carnival. Remember to join us for the Purim celebration!
On Wednesday, February 27th, we have the Book Club at 7:30 pm. February's book will be: Rav Hisda's Daughter, Book I: Apprentice: A Novel of Love, the Talmud, and Sorcery by Maggie Anton.
On Wednesday, March 6th we will have a painting party! The fee will be $15.00, all inclusive. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Elsa Bates.
On Wednesday, March 13th we will hold our monthly game night / business meeting.
On Monday, March 25th there will an NJC cleaning of the Shul in preparation for the Pesach Seder.
On Tuesday, March 26th we have the Congregational Seder on the second night of Pesach, and, as is traditional at NJC, the Sisterhood will organize the event. We are going to need everyone's assistance for a happy and successful event.
On April 12th -14th there will be a WRJ Women's Retreat at Jacobs Camp in Mississippi. Early registration is March 1st - $150.00; Regular registration is March 20th - $175.00; Late registration (after 3/20) - $200.00. For more information go to www.wrj.org, or contact Nan MacMaster.
Please keep an eye on the NJC Calendar for changes or updates to this schedule.
We hope you join the Sisterhood for lots of fun activities!
President: Nan MacMaster [email protected]
Vice pres: Toni Nadler
Treasurer: Chen Berkovich