The High Holy Days are a time for tzedakah, acts of charity or righteousness. As we skip meals on Yom Kippur, we think of those who are hungry and in need of assistance. For many years, the Northshore Jewish Congregation has collected foodstuffs for the Covington Food Bank on Yom Kippur. This year, we again ask you to support this wonderful tradition by bringing a food item to services on Yom Kippur. The foods most needed are peanut butter, jelly, canned vegetables, canned soups, canned meats (tuna, beef stew, etc.), whole grain cereal, macaroni and cheese, rice, pasta, and tomato sauce/spaghetti sauce. The Food Bank cannot accept severely dented canned food, packaged food that has been opened, or food that is missing a label. The Food Bank also cannot accept homemade or home canned food. Please consider donating and participating in this great opportunity to do something meaningful for the High Holy Days.